Saturday 5 December 2015

Someone that inspires me

Everyone bound to have someone that inspires you at any point of your life and I have one too. For me, the person that inspires me and leave an impact on my life is my best friend, Serkhee.

As you may not know, I am a born as premature baby. However, due to some incidents there is a delay before my mum reached the hospital. This results in not having enough oxygen for the baby. Thus, I have mild cerebral palsy from birth.

I never understood what cerebral palsy is when I was young, all I know was that I am slightly different in terms of physical fitness from the rest. I also never understood why I was treated differently from the rest of the students by my teacher, Ms Goh in kindergarden too. My books were used as a teacher’s reference book to write model answers for kids to follow and I remembered despite raising hands up for permission to go toilet first, I was usually ignored or was always the last one being allowed to go for my toilet break. Computer lessons wasn’t fun too, because all I did was staring at the blank screen of spoiled computer where others get to play games (there’s other workable computer tables too, but I got swapped to this one). It may seemed like a no big deal. Or some may say: “It’s ok, kids don’t feel.” However, to be honest, the treatment I got has affected me a lot. And as a kid, I do not dare to speak up or let my parents know about it. This experience I had during my school days in kindergarden left a negative impact on my impression towards schooling and towards people. I thought that everyone else will be like Ms Goh and school is not a place for someone like me to learn.

Things has started to change for the better when I entered primary school and this is also where I first met Serkhee in primary two. Serkhee is a bubbly girl. She is someone who is very lively, chatty and is always wearing a smile on her face and skipping around happily and actively in school. While I am a total opposite as compared to her and always roams around alone during lunch breaks.

Despite me having a poker face all the time and my flaws, Serkhee did not turn away and will always make effort to talk to me, saying hi and cracking lame jokes etc. She will always make the effort to ask me to join them in lunch and checks on how I am doing occasionally.

Overtime, Serkhee and I had become best of friends. On one fine day, I decided to tell her about the incident that I had been through in my kindergarden days and told her that I am always very curious why didn’t she avoided me like how Ms Goh and everyone else did. And the answer bought me to tears. She replied “You look fine and I don’t see any differences between you and the others. Why do I have to avoid you or treat you differently? You have a good heart and you are my friend, that’s all it matters.”

I have never forget what Serkhee told me and what she did. Serkhee not only has been the one that is always encouraging me, giving me assurance that I can do better, lending me listening ear, and taking in my lame jokes, she is also the one that shows me light and get me out of the shadows I had due to the incident that happened. I have become a happier and a more cheerful person and opens up more unlike the old me. Thank you Serkhee for always being there, thank you for all your encouragements, thank you for impacting my life, thank you for caring, and most importantly, thank you for being my friend and my family. I am lucky to have you here with me. People say friends are like stars; they come and go, but the ones that stays are the ones that glow. You glow. :)

“Best friend” isn’t just a name. A best friend is someone who’s there for you, no matter what. You can trust them, with anything and everything. Best friends share tears and laughs, almost like their emotions are intertwined. Most importantly, you can always count on a best friend. - Unknown


  1. Hi Yi Fang,

    Thank you for sharing your personal experience.
    I'm really happy for you to be able to meet such a great and selfless friend :)
    I agree with what she said, outlooks doesn't matter and you are no different from any others! Although I have only known you for a few months, your impression to me is a compassionate and generous person who is willing to share the knowledge.

    Don't let the negative vibes get over you. You are perfect being who you are now ! :)


    1. Thank you for your encouragements Joey, appreciated. :)

  2. This is a very disturbing reflection, Yi Fang. Honestly, it is hard for me to imagine why your teacher could have treated you so "differently." What do you think caused her behavior. It seems like simple discrimination, but based upon what? Did you act differently from other kids? Why did she treat you as if you could not do what others were entitled to be doing?

    In any case, you were very lucky to encounter a good friend like Serkhee. That someone her age could show more tolerance and wisdom than Ms Goh is rather unsettling.

    In any case, I really appreciate you sharing this with us, Yi Fang. I'm happy to say that I have never noted one thing about you that would warrant any feeling other than respect for you: you are kind, positive and upbeat in class. From Joey's comments, we can see that students have a similar impression.

    It's been our pleasure to work with you!

    1. Dear Brad,
      I guess it was because of my condition was worse when I am younger as I used to wear a cast on my leg to aid in my walking. Maybe that's why she sees me differently from the others.

  3. Hi Yi Fang,

    This is a very detailed reflection you had here. I know it may be quite difficult for you to share such experience to us but thank you for sharing! I am glad that you met such a good friend that helps make you a happier person. Do not take into heart what others said about you. Be who you are is the best. :) Hope you are still keeping in touch with your friend as she is someone that is worth cherishing. :)
