Wednesday 23 September 2015

Summary: Why climate fight needs engineers

In the article "Why The Climate Fight Needs Engineers", Shah (2015) stresses on the important role engineers play in climate fight. As climate change is due to urbanization and rapid population growth, Singapore Sustainable Blueprint (SSB) aims to turn residential area into “eco-smart” town and making Singapore a "zero-waste nation". Hence, mastery of energy related technology and development of efficient engineering systems are required. Khew, deputy president in Institute of Engineers, highlights that expertise and innovation from various fields are the “frontline role to fight climate changes”. Adding on, Kuttan, director and country manager of the Clean Technology Centre, believes that engineers that understands energy in sustainability apart from their own field are essential to reduce emissions for climate changes. Raising standards for engineers, “Engineers Progression Pathway programme” is launched to help engineers to further develop their skills.

~edited on 27/9/15


  1. Hi Yi Fang, thank you for posting your summary. You have written it in a clear and concise manner that allows the readers to understand the article easily. However, I wish to bring your attention to a few points.

    You mentioned the author and the year it was published. However, the year it was published is 2015 instead of 2005.

    I believe you got the idea of "zero-waste nation" from the article. It will be best to put quotation marks to indicate that you got the idea from the article.

    There are several grammatical errors in your summary. I note that you used present tense throughout your article. However, you wrote "highlighted" which is a past tense. "Various field" and "reduce emission" should be written in plural. I believe you got this phrase "Engineers Progression Pathway program" from the article. In the article, it is written as programme instead of program.

    Lastly, maybe you can include the part that mentions climate change is due to urbanization and rapid population growth. I believe it will give readers a clearer understanding on what caused climate change.

    Overall, you have done a good job in writing this summary. I look forward to reading your reader response.

    - Eliza Tay

    1. Thank you eliza for the correction! Have updated and corrected the mistakes mentioned. :)
